Horus CR is available in Portuguese!

Horus CR is available in Portuguese!

This update allows you to document your collections in Portuguese! Translating Horus condition report is always a difficult exercise that requires a level of knowledge and experience in language and in the conservation of collections.

We want to thank our translators who responded to the challenge of offering a standard translation to professionals from the Portuguese and Brazilian collections.

Update your app by clicking “Update” from the Play store and the App store, then click Preferences > Language to choose Portuguese.

We hope you enjoy this new feature and thank you for your continued support.

Horus 2021 update : how to use the preventive conservation section?

Horus 2021 update : how to use the preventive conservation section?

From August 2021, the Horus condition report application will offer you new fields concerning preventive conservation.

How to use it?
Located at the end of the report, this section allows you to enter the optimal preventive conservation conditions for the work.

You can indicate your recommendations concerning:

1. Climate: (temperature and relative humidity)

You can indicate the recommended minimum and maximum temperatures and relative humidity and the tolerable variations over 24 hours. 

2. Light :
You can enter the maximum light exposure to be respected for the exhibitions (including the rate of light exposure not to be exceeded over a year). You can also add additional data below in “free text”.

You can also indicate the minimum distance between the work and the public as well as information about the installation.
Tick the fields you wish to fill in and indicate the recommended distance by moving the cursor over the line.

Export of data in .CSV

Export of data in .CSV

With this new version, the chart legend is lighter, and you can now export your reports in .CSV to get a global vision of your collection’s condition. You can open the .CSV export on any spreadsheet like Excel, Numbers, Google sheet…

Export features are only available for Pro version users.

Select the files, ” Export” and select “Export in .CSV”.

New fields for packing info

New fields for packing info


Update: version 1.17

 With these new features, Horus CR becomes a front-line tool to manage collections movements:

A new, more developed “packing “ section, with new fields concerning the crate, its number, its dimensions, the carrier and photos.

This section can be configured in the app’Settings. You can choose to hide or to show them or to make visible. By defect, in the Exhibition profile, these fields are visible.

Only for the Pro version.


UPDATE May 2020

UPDATE May 2020

Six crucial new features in this new Horus CR version!
Update your apps for free on the App store (Horus CR or Horus CR Pro) and Google Play.


1. Choose a profile

Choose a user’s profile to configure, hide, display or require specific fields. You can choose between our three profiles: “Conservation”, “Exhibition”, “Standard”, or create your own custom profile. The app records your changes.
2. From the mapping: choose damage types
Choose damage types directly from the mapping! Press on the bar above the photo to select the type of alteration.
3. From the mapping: add photos of details
Take your photos of details directly from the mapping! They will be displayed in the « Damages details » section of the PDF. Simply press on your annotations to display the Photo icon (Advanced and Pro versions).
4. New drawing tools
For the mappings, choose between 3 different line thicknesses and between dotted or continuous lines.
5. Overview button at every step
With the “Overview button”, check out your report at every step of its writing.
6. Direct access to your USB key or your online storage
Direct access to your online storages (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) or your USB key to download the pictures into the app (Advanced and Pro versions).
  • Update your knowledge!

We updated the handbook, download it on this link.
How to import data in .csv from your CMS, Excel or Filemaker? How to edit a treatment report? Check out our website
Or contact us to organize training sessions or to ask for a free trial.
For any questions and to go Pro, contact the developers.

👁‍🗨How to pre-fill your reports with Horus CR Pro?

👁‍🗨How to pre-fill your reports with Horus CR Pro?

With Horus CR Pro version, you can import information as the artwork’s title, accession numbers, material and techniques, dimensions…in .csv format.


1. Prepare the file

If you use collection management software, you probably can export data in .csv. If you are using Excel, create a sheet with the artwork you want to examine.
👉🏽Copy and paste your columns in the template attached.
You can import:
  • Information about the report: reporter name and function, contact details, the objective of the report, report number.
  • Artworks information: title/dénomination, artist, date, accession n°, typologies, collection, material and techniques, Other (description, technical info), localization, dimensions.
  • A synthesis of the previous condition report in General comments (to be updated) and recommendations.

For dimensions, depending on your export, you will perhaps have to concatenate cells and clean up the punctuation marks.
Fill in the first 2 columns by hand and stretch them to repeat the content (You can include line breaks in cells).
On Excel: Save as “CSV UTF-08 (delimited by semicolons)“. On Numbers: Export under “CSV”
If you don’t have access to wifi, on Android, plug in your tablet and drag and drop your file into documents (Android) or into the Horus CR Pro, Numbers, or Files folder (for IOS via iTunes).
You can also use airdrop (IOS), Bluetooth, mail…

2. Import into Horus CR Pro

  • Open the Horus CR Pro app
  • Create a folder to save your import
  • Click on the import ↓ button (to the right of the folder name to display the list of options) and find your file
  • Open it, select the reports to import, or check “select all” then ok.

Have a look at this short video! and contact us with any questions!